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Author page: Digital Spring Bio Solution

Rare Diseases: Challenges and Control Measures

Rare diseases: Problems and Control Measures

Rare diseases, also known as orphan diseases, are medical ailments that impact fewer people in the community compared to other prevalent illnesses that often encountered in the population. Due to rare occurrences rare diseases are defined with respect to the prevalence found in the population and varies in the various geographic areas.  In the United States,…

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Counterfeit medicines

Counterfeit Medicines: A Widespread and Global Problem

Duplicate or fake medicines are called Counterfeits. Counterfeit medicines are purposely misrepresented in terms of their identification, source, or legitimacy. These duplicate medicinal products are manufactured and distributed on purpose to fool consumers by imitating real and genuine medical products.  Both emerging and developed nations are home to fake medicines, which includes prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and…

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FDAs drug safety review process

Every discovery in the lab that shapes to be a drug takes various modes over several years before it appears from a lab to the medicine cabinet. A drug that is finally converted into a medicinal product is intended to address a particular ailment. In fact, a medicinal product is expected to either, prevent, treat, diagnose…

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What is bolar provision in pharma Industry ? | The law

Bolar Provision: An Overview

Intellectual property rights grant the right holder a monopoly and market exclusivity for a stipulated few years. However, there are few exceptions where the right holder's monopoly is eroded and a third party can utilize the innovation for one or more legal purposes that do not come within the definition of infringement. A Bolar Provision…

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pharmaceutical manufacturers | Development and Approval of drugs in Brazil

Development and Approval of drugs in Brazil

Brazil is a huge pharmaceutical market that offers the pharmaceutical manufacturer fantastic potential. Registration of pharmaceuticals is a long procedure in Brazil involving various steps. In fact, it is an intricate procedure.  It is not simple for pharmaceutical manufacturers to gain access to the Brazilian Regulatory Authority's marketing of medications and biologics. The Portuguese Agencia…

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Pharmaceutical Company -

Procurement and Supply of Reference Listed Drugs (RLDs)

Reference Listed Drugs (RLDs), are approved innovator medicines. These branded medicines are the first introduction in the world market and serve as reference products. Reference products are the benchmark for generic drugs when it comes to quality, safety, and efficacy. The procurement and supply of RLDs typically involve the research-based innovator pharmaceutical companies that develop…

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Comparator Drug Sourcing Market

Comparator drug sourcing market: An overview

The comparator drug sourcing market deals with exploring the availability and source of the comparator drug followed by its acquisition and supply.  The reference or comparator drugs are required in conducting clinical trial studies that compare the efficacy and safety of the test formulation or an investigational new product to those of an existing approved reference product. These…

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Cold chain solutions pertaining to cell and gene therapy drugs

Cell and gene therapy belong to the field of biomedical research and is currently categorized as an experimental treatment. Both these therapies are targeted to treat, prevent, or potentially cure diseases that have no other treatment available. Their use is aimed to alleviate the underlying cause of genetic diseases and acquired diseases. Both cell and…

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