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Author page: Digital Spring Bio Solution

Risk Based Optimization for Clinical Trial Supplies - Comparator Drug Sourcing for Clinical Trials

Risk-based optimization for clinical trial supplies

Clinical trial conduct requires efficient supply-chain logistic support to manage study timelines. Risk-based optimization helps to achieve efficiency, cost and time effectiveness in this important activity. Every clinical trial requires varied supplies specific for the study and these clinical trial supplies could come from various sources. It is important to identify and control the potential constraints and hazards…

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Biological Sample Management Strategies in Global Pharma Operations

Biological sample management refers to the methodical and organized processing, preservation, and disposal of products obtained from biological source and classified as biological products. It also includes biological specimens such as tissue, blood, and body fluids. Biological products deteriorate at ambient and high temperatures and lose their potency and intended pharmacological activities. In order to preserve the integrity…

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Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) (Patent, Copyright, Trademark): A Comprehensive Overview

IPR is an abbreviation for Intellectual Property Rights that is legally bestowed upon for innovators to protect their intellectual innovations. IPRs are classified into three types: patents, copyrights, and trademarks. Patents - Patents are a collection of exclusive rights awarded to an inventor or licensee for a limited time in exchange for the general disclosure of the innovation.…

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Reference Listed Drugs (RLDs) : Reference for the production of Generics

A Reference Listed Drug (RLD) is the original, innovative, branded product that has been approved by regulatory agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States and European Medicinal Agency (EMA) in the European Union. The RLD Drug continues to remain as a standard or benchmark for the generic copies to obtain the licensing once the patent period…

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Understanding the overall process of Named Patient Program (NPP)

A Named Patient Program (NPP) is a unique access program that enables patients to get special access to orphan drugs and unlicensed drugs that are either unavailable in the country or not yet licensed for sale in the country.  NPP is frequently used for drugs that are currently in the clinical trials stage that have demonstrated efficacy and safety in the…

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comparator drugs sourcing for clinical trials

Overcoming challenges in the comparator drugs sourcing for clinical trials

The process of obtaining a reference drug or comparator drug for use in a clinical trial is referred to as comparator drug sourcing for clinical trials. A comparator drug is often required as a control group in clinical trials to examine the safety and efficacy of the test formulation. Sourcing comparator drugs for global clinical trial studies present a number of challenges,…

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Comparator Sourcing Drug | Generic Drug

An Overview of Comparator Sourcing

Comparator sourcing refers to the process of identifying and selecting the most appropriate comparators for a given study or analysis. A comparator is a reference group that is used as a basis of comparison in a clinical trial, observational study, or other types of research. The selection of a comparator is an important consideration in…

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