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Author page: Digital Spring Bio Solution

Decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) helping investigators

Decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) are a modern approach to conducting clinical research that aims to enhance efficiency, accessibility, and participant engagement. These trials leverage technology to collect data remotely, reducing the need for participants to visit traditional clinical trial sites. In DCTs, investigators are at the center of the activities and play a crucial role in designing, conducting, and overseeing the…

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Self-monitoring by patients in decentralized clinical trials (DCTs)

Decentralized trials (DCTs) lay emphasis on remote data access for various tasks and functions.  Self-monitoring by patients is one of such tasks and in DCTs refers to the practice of trial subjects completing their health records remotely and actively participating in the progress of a clinical trial from their own homes or other non-traditional settings. DCTs leverage digital technologies…

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User-friendly features of Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs)

Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs) represent a paradigm shift in the landscape of clinical research, offering a host of user-friendly features that enhance the overall experience for both researchers and participants. Embracing the power of technology, DCTs leverage remote capabilities, digital platforms, and innovative tools to make clinical trials more accessible and convenient. From the comfort of their homes,…

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Preparing for Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs)

The backbone of implementing Decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) is the efficiently running digital platform. DCT requires a customized DCT platform that has capability to receive and transmit the data accurately from various sources. Thus DCT is an innovative shift in the traditional paradigm of clinical research, leveraging technology to facilitate remote participation and data collection. DCTs offer notable…

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Drug approval process in Brazil

Drug registration in Brazil opens the opportunity to penetrate in the South American market. Brazil is one of the BRICs countries with the sixth-biggest population in the world and the largest economy.  Brazil has a population with a lot of unmet medical needs and requires access to novel medical therapies and treatment. Contrary to the…

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Benefits of Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs)

Over the past few years, there has been a notable shift in the realm of clinical trials, marked by a significant transformation brought about by the rise of decentralized clinical trials (DCTs). These inventive methodologies harness the power of technology and engage local healthcare providers to facilitate direct access to patients for clinical research, departing…

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Features of Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs)

Clinical trials are one of the most critical and difficult parts of the drug development process. The outcome from the clinical trial determines the next steps of development. Thus credibility of the data is dependent on the quality of study conduct and the quality of data collected as part of the planned research programs. The important determinants…

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Why Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs)

After understanding the blog on the definition of decentralized clinical trials (DCTs), the present blog depicts the utility of the decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) and its consolidated benefits. There are several compelling reasons that have made DCTs popular and the clinical trial industry is striving to adopt this advancing technology. DCTs help enhance the efficiency in the…

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Defining Decentralized Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are tedious, time-consuming and require robust mechanisms for ensuring patient retention in the study. For patients, frequent visits to the study site results in loss of time, efforts as well as sometimes absenteeism at work. These are few of the reasons that patients drop-out from the study resulting in study data with lower sample…

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Drug approval process in UK

In reaction to the shifts in the environment, the regulatory structure for medications is fast altering. The pharmaceutical industry is becoming increasingly globalized, there is an increase in digital technology and internet use, along with the changes in the lifestyle and habits of the patient populations bringing in remarkable shifts in the communities. The rapid use…

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Ethical Guidelines for Participation of Children in Clinical Trials: An Overview

Children constitute a special population in the society and any experimentation in this population must be considered judiciously. In drug development participation of children is considered under exceptional conditions such as the potential drug is specifically developed for the pediatric population and the particular disease is most common in children. The pediatric research programs are…

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Ethics for Involving Geriatric Population in Clinical Trials

Clinical trials involve the systematic investigation of new treatments, interventions, or drugs in human subjects to determine their safety, efficacy, and potential side effects. The clinical trials involve healthy adult population as well as diseased patients to evaluate therapeutic safety and efficacy of the pharmacological agent under investigations. Elderly subjects 65 years and above are usually not…

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