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Author page: Digital Spring Bio Solution

Global perspective of vulnerable population in clinical trials

The declaration of Helsinki provides the Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects and is the guiding document for all biomedical research programs. The World Medical Association (WMA) has developed this statement of ethical principles for the physician to provide the best possible treatment to the patient and always think and act in the interest of…

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Drug Approval Process in South Africa

In the past 50 years, South Africa has established a regulating body for medicines that is acknowledged internationally. According to the Medicines Control Council (MCC), it is "the national medicines regulatory authority of South Africa, which is responsible, in accordance with the medicines and related substances act, 1965 (Act 101 of 1965), for providing for…

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Ethical Considerations for Biomedical Research

Biomedical research is an important aspect of drug discovery and development program. This research looks for various interventions and methodologies that help understand the diseases that affect humans and possible ways to prevent and/ or treat them. This field broadly sets up research questions that focus on understanding the mechanisms of human health and disease at…

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Digital Technologies Utilized by Patients for Healthcare Management

In recent years, the integration of digital technologies into healthcare has revolutionized the way patients manage their health and well-being. These technologies have empowered patients to actively participate in their healthcare journey, providing tools and resources that enable them to monitor their health, access medical information, and communicate with healthcare providers more effectively. From health and…

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Commonly Employed Digital Technologies in Clinical Trials

Digital technologies have significantly transformed the landscape of clinical trials, offering a range of tools to improve patient access, enrollment and engagement as well as on time data collection with reduced time lags and thus improving the overall trial management. Some of the key digital technologies commonly used in clinical trials include: Electronic Data Capture…

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Benefits of Integrating Digital Technologies in Clinical Trials

Digital technology can be accessed at fingertips and a boon for a researcher to stay in touch with the participants 24 x 7 using smart devices. The compatibility of the clinical trial digital technology with any of the smartphones makes implementation simple and user friendly. These features of digital clinical trials have caught the attention…

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Digital Technologies in Clinical Trials: An Overview

Digital technology has influenced our life greatly in this 21st century. This revolution began somewhere in the mid-20th century and as of today it has revolutionized various aspects of our life. It is therefore no surprise that the healthcare sector is one of the beneficiaries of this digital revolution. In the simplest terms, the electronic…

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Financial ecosystem surrounding the development of medicines

Developing medicines is a long intricate process that involves several players and stakeholders. It requires a huge amount of financial resources coupled with infrastructure and skilled manpower. The entire agglomeration of these several players is interconnected and dependent on each other for financing every incremental step of innovation and development. This it creates an interconnected…

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Pharmacogenomics: Influencing key industries

Pharmacogenomics has triggered research and development in this area of personalized patient care and has resulted in several key industry players investing in it to be a big player for tomorrow. The most important sectors that are influenced by pharmacogenomic studies are the pharmaceutical industry and the healthcare sector.  The regulatory bodies are slowly trying to adapt…

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The Collaborative Impact of Pharmacogenomics across Industries

Pharmacogenomics is a new branch of pharmaceutical research that has gained momentum. The influence of an individual's genetic makeup on response to medicines has a profound impact on multiple industries due to its potential to revolutionize personalized medicine. We all are governed by the genes that we carry and the idea of the impact of genes on…

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The Essential Guide to Understanding Pharmacogenomics Regulations

Pharmacogenomics is the new area in the field of medicines. As the word suggests, it is the area that works as the link between the actions of the medicine based on genetic make-up of an individual. Thus it is an extremely complex area that is still new and emerging. Pharmacogenomics therefore primarily focuses on how a person's…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Pharmacogenomics

Pharmacogenomics is the study of how a person's genetic composition influences the activity of medicines consumed. Thus, it entails investigating how an individual's genetic differences affect medication metabolism, the chance of encountering adverse drug reactions, and response to specific treatments. The goal of pharmacogenomics is to create more effective and safer drugs while also personalizing drug therapy…

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