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Author page: Digital Spring Bio Solution

new drug development

ICH Guidelines for Pharmaceuticals

Drug Development is a long and costly process consisting of several steps. Generally, it takes 12-15 years for new drug development to reach the marketplace. This process further gets prolonged when one wishes to introduce this new drug to various world markets. As every country has its national regulations and certain requirements, the company that…

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expired medications

Reducing Pharmacy Waste: Proper Medication Storage

The statement "Reducing Pharmacy Waste: Proper Medication Storage" describes a series of methods and techniques used in pharmacies to reduce drug waste through appropriate storage practices. The objective is to minimize the environmental impact associated with the disposal of unused or expired medications while ensuring that pharmaceutical products are safe, effective, and viable for as…

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Good manufacturing practice

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in pharmaceutical industry: An overview

The term "quality assurance" (QA) refers to a wide notion that encompasses all of the critical steps in the production of pharmaceuticals. Quality Assurance ensures that the systems and processes used in production of a healthcare product guarantees <<product quality>>.  It is a system for monitoring product quality and process performance that aids businesses in…

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European Medicine Agency and Drug Approvals Process

The European Union has established a centralised regulatory authority responsible for authorising new medicines within Europe for human and veterinary use.  The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is the main authority that apart from new drug approvals coordinates with the regulatory authorities of the other member state countries of the EU as well as acts as…

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Pharmaceutical companies

Clinical trial supply chain: how to optimize the process?

Conducting clinical trials is a multifaceted activity involving several stakeholders and participants. Once the trial is finalized, the entire process of supply chain for various clinical trial supplies gets activated. The entire process of sourcing, producing, packaging, distributing, and managing clinical trial  supplies requires meticulous planning and is referred to as "streamlining the clinical trial…

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Drug Approval Process - Synthetic and Biological Medicine for human use

USA Drug Approval Process : Synthetic and Biological Medicines for Human Use

The centre for drug evaluation and research (CDER) is responsible for ensuring availability of safe and effective medicines in the country. CDER is thus entrusted with the responsibility of the public health. CDER is an important office under the United States Food and Drug Administration. The USA drug approval process for pharmaceutical products includes a series…

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pharmaceutical companies

Third party pharma manufacturing: Brief overview

The manufacturing of pharmaceutical products by a third party is referred to as third-party pharmaceutical manufacturing, often known as contract manufacturing. A pharmaceutical company enters into a contract with a specialised manufacturing facility to manufacture pharmaceuticals, medical devices, or other pharmaceutical items on their behalf. This production plan is available for large scale industrial batch…

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pharmaceutical cold chain logistics

Temperature Controlled Cold Chain pharmaceutical products for Logistics Operations

Certain pharmaceutical products require specific temperature control for storage and transportation and to be maintained until administered to the patients. They are classified as cool chain and requires temperature control between 2-8 deg Celsius) and cold chain pharmaceutical products requiring temperatures below 0 degrees. These products are temperature sensitive and need strictest controls to maintain…

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