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Author page: Digital Spring Bio Solution

Biosimilar Development Process & Brief Overview

Biosimilar are generic copies of the innovator biological products. Biological products are produced from a variety of sources.  These include yeasts, bacteria, and animal cells etc. that generate complex biological chemicals from live organisms that have potential use as medicines.  Biological products can be produced from variety of biological matter and can have different inventive manufacturing…

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Direct To Patient programe

Enhancing patient engagement through direct to patient connection

The direct to patient (DTP) service is a healthcare model in which medical providers interact and collaborate with patients directly, without the need of typical intermediaries or channels. In order to establish the direct communication channel, Direct To Patient service engages use of technology and personalized communication strategies to strengthen patients and increase access to…

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Precision Medicine: Clinical Trial Supply Prospects and Limitations

Precision medicine, often referred to as personalized medicine or stratified medicine, is a method of providing customized and individualized healthcare to the patient.  This involves customizing medical therapies and specific preventative strategies to meet the unique needs of each patient by taking into account individual variances in genes, lifestyle, and environment. Precision treatment takes into…

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Effect of generic drugs on low and middle-income nations

Effect of generic drugs on low and middle-income nations

Generic drugs are canopies on the original innovator brands available once the patent of the innovators cease to exist. Generic medicinal products need to prove themselves of being bioequivalent to the original brand for making themselves available in the market. They are identical to their branded equivalents in terms of active components, dosage form, potency,…

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direct to patient drug distribution

Direct to patients (DTP) shipments delivery: An overview

Direct-to-patient shipments, also known as direct-to-consumer or direct-to-patient delivery, are the processes of delivering healthcare supplies or pharmaceutical products directly to the patients under a specific bonafide scheme.  Direct-to-patient shipments have received a lot of attention in recent years, thanks to technological improvements, changes in healthcare legislation, and a growing need for personalized and patient-centric…

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Understanding Enteral Feeding Tubes and Their Accessories

Few illnesses such as post major surgeries, oral surgeries and critical illnesses prohibit taking food orally. In these situations, the nutritional support for the patients is given externally. Enteral feeding tubes are medical devices that provide nutrition directly into the gastrointestinal system of the patients. They are typically employed when the patient's oral intake is restricted…

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India’s National policy on Rare Diseases

Rare diseases are rare in their occurrence and affect a small population in the community. These uncommon, usually serious, incapacitating, chronic, and lethal diseases are categorized as rare and/ or orphan diseases. Only a small portion of the population is afflicted with such rare diseases. There is no universal agreement on the threshold at…

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